You could be leaving up to $10,000 dollars on the table!!

Yes, you read that right.

Are you going to have a baby? Did you just have one? Do you have multiple?

Many employers offer benefits that could help parents like you put your pre-tax dollars to work for your family’s everyday expenses, but they can be overwhelming to understand and time-consuming to navigate.

Take 20 mins over lunch to learn about the different types of benefits offered by most employers with a deep dive into FSA and HSA.

We will cover:

  • An overview of the various employer benefits

  • Different types of FSA

  • Differences between FSA & HSA

  • Common family expenses that are eligible

  • 2024 limits, rollover & grace periods

This is a joint session offered by Parenting Partners and Minerva. Your email address, name and sign up details will be shared with both teams after the event. You can unsubscribe from their email communications at any time.